MONDAY – January 28, 2008
Meeting Room 3 – 7:30p.m.
Members Present: Bill Otfinoski, George White, Art Standish, John Jones
Others Present: Resident Trooper Rob Girard, Officer Rob Suchecki, Glen Morran and Jim Stavola
B. Otfinoski Called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m.
Citizens Comments – None
Review Correspondence – None
Approve Minutes of December 17, 2007 meeting: J. Jones MOTIONED to approve the minutes. Seconded by A. Standish. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
Budget Review – Bill Otfinoski presented the new budget to the First Selectman, Chief Financial Officer, and Finance Liaison John Ringo. No cuts have been made as of today.
a. Additions to next years budget – None
Appropriations and Transfers - None
Resident Trooper Report and Monthly Statistics
Tpr. Girard reported that Officer Labonte responded to Jack Jackter Elementary School for graffiti sprayed on the walls. Tfc. Briger arrested a juvenile for possession/intent to sell marijuana at Bacon Academy. Officer Kelo investigated an indecent exposure case at the Savings Institute. Officer’s Owens and Green stopped E. Watson on Halls Hill Rd. and found several packages of Marijuana were seized. Officer Kelo investigated a shoplifting case from Stop & Shop involving a case of beer. It was later found out that youths are stealing from stores to support their drug habits. Officer’s Owens and Green responded to the Mobil Gas Station for a domestic dispute involving an intoxicated male. He attempted to flee, and had his hand in his pocket. Upon a pat down the officers recovered a loaded derringer type pistol as
well as two knives. There were 6 drunken driving arrests in January. Officer Kelo is doing well.
01-28-08 Police Commission Meeting
Recruit Passacantando had a problem with note taking but that has been rectified. Taser’s have been issued to the officers that have had the training. A D.U.I Spot check was conducted on December 29, 2007. Within tem minutes 3 arrests were made. December Motor Vehicle statistics were in line with November.
Monthly Stats for December were handed out missing the last page.
They will be re-submitted in February. Art Standish asked if the officers had training for the Defibrillations yet? No one has had new training. Art Standish will look into it again.
7. Old Business
a. Hiring Update: The two candidates that were being considered were not viable. We will be doing another agility test in February.
b. Status of Cruisers – Bill Otfinoski handed out information for a new console and lock box to be installed as standard equipment in the cruisers.
c. Personal Rifles – Bill Otfinoski met with Sgt. Hassett and Officer Simkulak to review the State Police Policy an to assure that qualifications be done twice a year.
John Jones MOTIONED to adopt the Personal Rifle Policy and to have it added into the Colchester Police Rules and Regulations. SECONDED by Art Standish. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
8. New Business
a. Night Sights for Handguns – Officer Suchecki presented the commission with documentation for purchasing new handguns with night sights. The current handguns are 10 years old and he can get a trade in for new pistols for $234. Just to add night sights would cost about $100. a gun. There is also an option that the officers can buy back their issued weapon for $375. The department would trade in nine handguns. John Jones MOTIONED to buy the new guns. SECONDED by Art Standish. All members present voted in
b. Police Commission Applicant Interviews – The two men voiced their opinion about personal patrol rifles, writing grants. Bill Otfinoski asked what they thought the police commission does? They were told that the commission would contact them as to who would be appointed.
9. Citizens Comments – None
10. Additions to Agenda – None
11. Adjourn - J. Jones MOTIONED to adjourn at 09:15 p.m. SECONDED by Art Standish All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ellen Yacono, Administrative Assistant